Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Sister's Keeper: pages 54-83

Sara and Brian see an oncologist who will be in charge of Kate’s treatments. Sara calls her older sister, Zanne, whom she has fallen out of touch with, and later Zanne arrives to help the family out. Since Kate’s form of cancer often resists treatment, the doctors admit they can only do so much. Sara asks what it will be like if Kate dies and wonders how she would survive it. Kate starts chemotherapy and gets extremely sick. The doctors test Jesse to see if he is a genetic match for Kate, since she might need bone marrow if she relapses, but he is not. Their doctor tells Sara that if she and Brian have more children, one sibling could be a match. After chemo, Kate develops an infection and has to be rushed to the hospital. While at the hospital, Sara tells Brian she is thinking of having another child. Brian thinks Sara wants to be able to replace Kate if she dies, but Sara assures him she wants to have another child to see if the child would be a genetic match for Kate.

Campbell wonders how much people are beholden to their parents. Campbell stops for coffee and when he returns to his office, he finds Anna there. Sara calls while Anna is in the room with Campbell. Sara tells Campbell that Anna has changed her mind, but Anna tells Campbell she has not. Campbell goes to the courthouse where he meets Sara, who decides to act as counsel for herself and Brian. Sara and Campbell speak with Judge DeSalvo, the judge for the case. They argue about what Anna really wants until Judge DeSalvo decides he needs to speak with Anna alone.

At the courthouse, Anna speaks with Judge DeSalvo. They discuss the trial, and Anna tries to remain composed. But she remembers memories of herself and Kate, and then starts to cry. She tells Judge DeSalvo she can’t give a kidney to her sister. He assures her no hospital would take a kidney from an unwilling donor, but she says being a donor has never been her choice. She says she never wanted to stop the lawsuit and only told her mother she would because she loves her. Judge DeSalvo decides to appoint Anna an expert who can decide what is best for her. Brian pleads with Sara to calm down, but Sara shouts that Anna practically signed Kate’s death sentence.

I enjoy how the book goes into flashbacks. It is hard to understand sometimes when you are in the future or present though. But other then that, it gives you great information on what happened and why everything is the why it is now. I do not know why, but my favorite character in this book is Campbell. I think it is just because he is a lawyer and not really supposed to be handling Anna's case, but because of the circumstances, he takes her case anyway. And I was surprised that in the book the judge is a guy because in the movie, it is played by a woman who lost her daughter in a car accident. There are many differences between the book and the movie.

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