Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So I do not know if you have noticed, but everyone is seeming to be getting the sniffles. I know I sure do! I have had a sore throat and stuffy nose for the past few days. Most of the people in my class do as well. I recommend drinking lots of water. I know people tell you that all the time but it really works. Yesterday during school I carried a water bottle around all day. Every time I could feel my throat starting to hurt I just took a sip of water and it felt better. Granted you may have to pee like ten times in one day, it is still good to stay hydrated when you are sick. Also maybe carry some cough drops around if you cannot carry any water. Those flavored ones are so good. I eat them even when I do not have a sore throat or cough. That is probably not a good thing, but oh well. And please sick people, do not cough in other peoples faces or anything, that is just gross. Use hand sanitizer or cough into your sleeve. I am sick too so I am going to try to do all of these things as well. I do not want the whole school to be sick. That would not be good since spring break is approaching and I am excited for it! Plus I have a soccer tournament this coming weekend. I hope it is extremely warm because I do not want to be running in freezing rain while being sick, then most likely getting ever more sick!

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